
Build Notes

Our Unboxing and Assembly was straightforward and without incident.  But we offer the following notes of interest.  

  1. NOTA BENE!       Not all micro USB cables are created equal; some are designed to provide only power.
    Ensure that the micro USB cable used to Set Up Your Pico is fully wired as a USB data and power cable; ideally, use the cable that comes with the kit.
    The initial software load, BOOT setup sequence, and any file manipulations on the Pico cannot be performed without a data cable.
  2. There are alternatives to Thonny as the IDE recommended by The RaspberryPi Foundation for MicroPython development. Granted, Thonny has targeted support to the Pico and MicroPython … but you may already have Mu or Visual Studio installed as  IDE.  This article provides some guidance and simple programs using Visual a Studio with the PicoGo extension for your code development. 
  3. BATTERIES NOT INCLUDED!  our kit did not include batteries. The kit and battery holder require two 3.7 volt batteries, size 18650,  which IS NOT the same size or voltage as a AA cell. Be careful when ordering online and check the specifications for size and voltage carefully to ensure the batteries you use with the kit are suitable.
  4. The kit instructions are complete, with many good illustrations for assembly.  BUT, PAY ATTENTION TO THE VIEW POINT TAKEN IN EACH DRAWING. Drawings show views of the chassis from above, below, from the side … and switch from one to the other without clear labeling.  
    Look carefully at the parts, compare carefully to the drawings, and stay aware of changes in Point-Of-View as you assemble the kit.